SEND Offer

All Sunderland schools have a similar approach to meeting the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs & Disability and are supported by the LA to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school. All schools are supported to be as inclusive as possible, with the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities being met in a mainstream setting wherever possible.

The Venerable Bede Academy SEND Department

The department reinforces the need for teaching that is fully inclusive.  Our aim is to ensure that each pupil is happy and cared for effectively in a learning environment that promotes their academic, physical, social, emotional, cultural, moral and spiritual development, equipping them for life after school in further education, training or the work place.

We value the abilities and achievements of all pupils.  Whilst many factors contribute to the range of difficulties experienced by some pupils, we believe that much can be done to overcome them when parents, teachers, outside agencies and pupils work together.

All teachers and classroom based support staff are teachers of children with special educational needs and have a responsibility to meet these needs.

SEND Information Report

Also available from our Statutory Policies page.

Venerable Bede CE Academy SEND Information Report and Local Offer: 2023-2024

The SENDCo at Venerable Bede CE Academy is Mrs S. Holt (SENDCo & Assistant Headteacher). Mr M. Nicholson (Deputy Headteacher) is Acting SENDCo whilst Mrs Holt is on maternity leave

Mrs Holt has completed the National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordination.

To contact the SENDCo please call 0191 523 9745.

The SEND Link Governor is Mr M Thompson.

What is the SEN information report?

The SEN Report contains information for parents and carers of children who have Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) and all those who have additional needs. This information outlines the support and provision they can expect to receive if they choose Venerable Bede CE Academy.

What can I expect if I send my child to Venerable Bede CE Academy?

Venerable Bede Academy reinforces the need for teaching that is fully inclusive. Our aim is to ensure that each pupil is happy and cared for effectively in a learning environment that promotes their academic, physical, social, emotional, cultural, moral and spiritual development, equipping them for life after school in further education, training or the work place.

We value the abilities and achievements of all pupils. Whilst many factors contribute to the range of difficulties experienced by some pupils, we believe that much can be done to overcome them when parents, teachers, outside agencies and pupils work together.

All teachers and classroom based support staff are teachers of children with special educational needs and have a responsibility to meet these needs.

Venerable Bede CE Academy aims to make appropriate provision for children recognised within the four broad areas of SEND need:

  • Communication and interaction
  • Cognition and learning
  • Social, mental and emotional health difficulties
  • Sensory and or physical needs

For further information, please refer to our SEN Policy. This can be found of the Academy’s website.

What should I do if I think my child has Special Educational Needs?

If you have concerns that your child may have a Special Educational Need you should talk to the Academy’s Special Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo), who organises extra help for children with SEN. You should talk to them about:

  • Why you think your child has SEN
  • Whether your child learns at the same rate as other children their age
  • What you think the Academy can do to help
  • What you can do to help

The SENDCo will meet with the child or young person to gather their views and may observe the pupil and/or conduct some assessments in addition to speaking to class teachers and support staff about the pupil’s progress. The SENDCo will then use the SEN Code of Practice (2014) to decide whether your child meets the criteria to be placed on the SEND Register. The SENDCO and parent/carer may agree that an external specialist such as an Educational Psychologist should become involved in order to carry out further assessments.

If it has been decided that your child has a special educational need the school will put a step-by- step plan in place which follows the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice guidelines.

For further details, please refer to the Academy’s SEND Policy which can be found on the website.

Who are the best people to talk to in this school about my child’s difficulties with learning/ Special Educational Needs or disability (SEND)?

The SENDCo – Mrs S Holt (Mr M Nicholson (Deputy Headteacher) is Acting SENDCo whilst Mrs Holt is on maternity leave) Responsible for:

  • Checking and reviewing the progress of students on the SEND register.
  • Identifying, planning and delivering any additional help students may need (this could be things like targeted work, additional support).
  • Informing all teachers of the pupils’ needs and the strategies they should implement.

• Ensuring that the school’s SEND Policy is followed by all teachers when teaching pupils with any SEND.

  • Developing and reviewing the school’s SEND policy.
  • Ensuring that parents are involved and kept informed in decisions supporting their child’s learning
  • Liaising with outside agencies who support individual students e.g. Speech and Language Therapy, Educational Psychology, Autism Outreach etc.
  • Updating the school’s SEND register ensuring that all the SEND needs of pupils are known.
  • Providing specialist support for teachers and support staff in the school so that they can help pupils with SEND to make progress.

Department Staffing

  • Mr M. Thompson – Trust Director SEND
  • Mrs S. Holt – Assistant Headteacher and SENDCo (Mr M Nicholson (Deputy Headteacher) is Acting SENDCo whilst Mrs Holt is on maternity leave)
  • Miss L. Brough – Assistant SENDCo
  • Mrs J. Chipp –Lead Practitioner for Physical and Mental Health
  • Miss A. Winwood – HLTA
  • Mrs J. Johnson – HLTA
  • Mrs A. Smith – LSA
  • Mr D. Vincent – LSA
  • Mr I. Young – LSA
  • Miss L. Littlewood – LSA
  • Miss G. Hogg – LSA
  • Mr R. Ellison – LSA
  • Miss I. Soula – LSA

Individual Health Care Plans

  • If a pupil has a medical condition, the parent/carer must make an appointment with the Lead Practitioner for Physical and Mental Health (Mrs J Chipp) and complete an Individual Health Care Plan in school.
  • The Individual Health Care Plan will state instructions regarding any medication which may need to be taken in school.
  • All medication is stored in, and administered from, a secure, locked cupboard or refrigerator.
  • The Individual Health Care Plan will identify the action needed in the case of an emergency.
  • Asthma sufferers must carry inhalers with them at all times.
  • EpiPen users must carry their EpiPens with them at all times.
  • Records will be kept of those students with asthma and any medication taken.
  • A Medical register is accessible for all staff to refer to and details are on the class register.

How does Venerable Bede CE Academy organise support for children with SEND and what are the different types of support available for children with SEND?

As far as possible, pupils with SEND are fully integrated into mainstream classes. Every effort is made to ensure that all pupils have full access to the National Curriculum and are part of all aspects of the Academy.

The main methods of provision offered by the Academy are:

  • Quality first teaching
  • Additional help and support offered by class teachers
  • Lessons and resources that are differentiated to ensure they are accessible to all learners
  • Pastoral support
  • Periods of withdrawal to work with a Learning Support Assistant (where appropriate)
  • In-class support provided by a Learning Support Assistant/pastoral members of staff
  • Mentoring sessions
  • Specific strategies (suggested by the SENDCo) put in place
  • Literacy intervention
  • Reading intervention
  • Numeracy intervention
  • Social skills intervention
  • Anger management intervention
  • ASD awareness sessions
  • Alternative curriculum activities
  • Counselling

The SENDCo co-ordinates all relevant support for pupils with SEND and, in collaboration with subject teachers, will decide on the most appropriate action to be taken to help the pupil make progress. Based on the results of previous assessments, this action could be:

  • To create a Learner Profile to inform staff of the pupil’s needs
  • Access to a Learning Support Assistant
  • Access to Higher Level Teaching Assistant
  • Access to Behaviour Support
  • Access to ‘time out’ space/safe space
  • Deployment of extra staff to support pupil
  • Provision of alternative learning materials/special equipment
  • Small group support
  • Intervention groups e.g. 1:1 reading, social skills groups etc.
  • Additional training for staff
  • Referrals to external agencies and specialists e.g. Children and Young People’s Service, Educational Psychology, Autism Outreach Team etc.

What happens if my child has a high level of need?

The SENDCo will be heavily involved in planning the transition for your child to ensure that the appropriate level of support is in place. Your child will be monitored and their plan

reviewed regularly: support will be adjusted as necessary. The SENDCo will liaise with other professionals that work with your child and will seek advice from them as and when necessary. If your child also has health needs, an Individual Health Care Plan will be written for your child. Staff will be informed of any adjustments that need to be made. Your child may be entitled to additional support in exams and assessments such as being provided with supervised rest breaks.

What clubs are available for my child?

We offer our students a range of enrichment activities.

How will I be informed about my child’s progress?

Your child’s progress is continually monitored by his/her subject teachers, Pastoral Year Group Manager and SENDCo.

Data including your child’s levels will be sent to you 3 times a year and an annual report is also issued.

Pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan will have a formal review of their plan annually. This meeting will include the child, parents and/or carers and any other professionals who work with the child.

Student feedback will be taken via pupil voice in order to evaluate support.

Parents’ Evenings and SEND meetings operate throughout the school year. Parents and carers are able to make appointments with specific members of staff upon request.

What additional intervention may my child receive at Venerable Bede CE Academy?

If your child requires support over and above what is delivered by the teacher in the mainstream classroom they may be given:

  • Learning Support Assistant to support in class
  • Literacy and/or numeracy interventions.
  • Adapted materials or specialist equipment
  • Student mentoring
  • 1:1/small group reading/phonics
  • Subject specific intervention e.g. coursework support sessions
  • Lunch and break time support
  • Learner profiles will be given to staff (as required)
  • Exam access arrangements
  • Dyslexia and dyscalculia screening
  • Educational Psychologist assessment
  • Behaviour Intervention Team Support
  • Intensive pastoral support
  • Children and Young People’s Service referral
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Support referral
  • Autism Outreach Service referral
  • Social skills sessions

•Access to counselling

  • Early tranistion/toilet/lunch/time out pass
  • Access to lift

How will the Academy prepare and support my child when they join the Academy or move on to Further Education or Training?

Venerable Bede CE Academy works closely with our feeder primary schools to ensure that the transition process begins in Year 6. The Pastoral Year Group Manager for 7 and the SENDCo will make visits to each primary school to discuss each child’s individual needs. The SENDCo will then meet with each primary school SENDCo to discuss the needs of pupils with SEND in more depth. Parents are encouraged to attend these meetings. The SENDCo from Venerable Bede Academy will attend any review meetings and will ensure that the appropriate support is put in place. We also have open evenings for parents/carers and their children to attend.

Pupils on the SEND register will be invited to attend an additional transition visit.

Where a pupil transfers to us part way through the year, the two schools will exchange information. If necessary, the two SENDCos will meet to discuss the pupil’s needs and any provision which should be made.

On entry to the Academy, each pupil’s attainment will be assessed. Where pupils are identified as having SEN, school staff will:

  • Use the information from the previous school to shape the pupil’s curriculum and pastoral support
  • Identify areas of strength and weakness (and note areas that may require support)
  • Ensure ongoing assessments provide regular feedback in order to plan for learning
  • Ensure pupils have opportunities to demonstrate knowledge and understanding
  • Involve pupils in planning their own targets
  • Involve parents/carers in a home-school learning approach
  • Link with the Careers Advisor regarding the most appropriate post-16 placement
  • Provide work experience opportunities in Year 10

How will my child’s needs be identified and assessed?

At Venerable Bede Academy we aim to identify any additional needs as early as possible in order for each child to reach their full God given potential. Teaching and supporting pupils with SEND is a whole school responsibility.

All teachers are responsible for identifying pupils with SEN and, with the SENDCo, will ensure that those requiring different or additional support are identified. Regular assessment ensures that pupils who are not making academic progress in line with their peers can be identified effectively.

Early identification of pupils with SEN is a priority. The Academy will use appropriate screening and assessment tools to ascertain pupil progress through:

•KS2reviewsandtransition data

  • Transition programme
  • Information provided by previous school
  • Evidence obtained by teacher observation/assessments
  • Their performance when judged against the appropriate National Curriculum Level Descriptions
  • Standardised screening or assessment tools
  • External support services may also play an important part in helping the Academy identify, assess and make provision for pupils with SEN

How will Venerable Bede CE Academy ensure my child is included in all aspects of school life?

Pupils identified as having SEN are, as far as is practicable, fully integrated into mainstream classes with appropriate support. Every effort is made to ensure that they have full access to the National Curriculum and are integrated into all aspects of school life. We value pupils of different abilities and actively support inclusion. The Academy recognises the entitlement of all pupils to a balanced, relevant and broad curriculum.

Within the Academy both staff and pupils will be consistently involved in deciding the best ways to support each child’s individual needs. There is flexibility in the approaches used in order to cater for these individual needs.

Our SEND policy reinforces the need for teaching that is fully inclusive. The Governing body will ensure that appropriate provision and reasonable adjustments will be made for all pupils with SEND.

Within each class, teaching and learning styles will be flexible to ensure effective learning. Grouping to support children with SEN will be part of this process.

How will staff in Venerable Bede Academy support my child’s learning?

Schemes of work are in place and are differentiated to include appropriate learning outcomes for all pupils.

Differentiation takes a variety of forms within each teacher’s planning. Learning intentions are made explicit and activities may be adapted. Alternative methods of responding or recording may also be planned.

Children with sensory or mobility impairments or a specific learning difficulty will be given access to the curriculum through more specialist resources e.g. ICT, Communication Aids and specially adapted subject specific equipment etc. where it is identified as appropriate. Assessment of need and the provision of any additional equipment will be arranged through the Local Authority Specialist Support Team. Needs and adjustments will be considered on an individual basis.

How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?

We recognise that each individual pupil learns at a different rate and that there are many factors that may affect their achievement, including ability, emotional state, age and maturity. We aim to

provide a differentiated curriculum appropriate to the individual needs and abilities of each student. Students will be given appropriate support in order that they experience success. Each student is treated as an individual and as such their lessons are planned to meet their individual needs and abilities.

What specialist resources and services are available at or accessed by Venerable Bede CE Academy?

The Academy employs a member of staff who is responsible for health care coordination. They are responsible for coordinating the everyday care of children with physical/medical needs and creating, monitoring and updating documents such as:

  • Individual Health Care Plans
  • Moving and Assisting Plans
  • Personal Evacuation Plans
  • Emergency Care Plans
  • Medications Policy

Venerable Bede CE Academy recognises the important contributions that external support services make in assisting to identify, assess, and provide for our SEND Pupils. If considered necessary, colleagues from other support services will become involved with SEND pupils. These agencies include:

  • The Specialist Support Team for Children with Physical and Medical Needs
  • Educational Psychology
  • SEND Information, Advice and Support Service
  • School Nurse, Consultants, GPs etc.
  • Speech and Language Therapy Service
  • Occupational Therapy Service
  • Children and Young People’s Service (CYPS)
  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational Therapy Service
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
  • Autism Outreach Team
  • Sensory Team
  • Consilium Evolve
  • Behaviour Support Service
  • Language and Learning Service
  • The Virtual School (for Cared For Children)

In addition, important links are in place with the following organisations:

  • The Careers Service
  • The Attendance Team


  • Local colleges

How will I be involved in discussing, planning and supporting my child’s education?

The partnership between parents/carers and ourselves is considered crucial. It is an important factor in the success of our pupils and we are keen to ensure that you are well informed about the progress of your child. Parents/carers have a unique overview of their child’s needs and how best to support them.

Both pupils with SEND and parents/carers are fully involved in any decision making. Pupils are be encouraged to participate in decision making processes that affect them. Parents/carers and pupils are invited to review meetings to discuss outcomes and progress and to contribute their views.

Parents’ Evenings provide regular opportunities to discuss concerns and celebrate progress. Parents/carers are able to make appointments with specific members of staff upon request.

The SEND Information Advice and Support Service, can provide independent support and advice to all parents/carers of pupils with SEND. They can be contacted on 0191 561 5643.

What if my child needs transport to or from school?

If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan they may be entitled to a taxi funded via the local authority. Home to school transport is the responsibility of the Local Authority.

What care, guidance and support is available at Venerable Bede CE Academy?

The emotional wellbeing of our pupils is very important to us. We have an effective, well established pastoral team as well as policies in place to ensure that pupils feel safe and understand what is expected of them in terms of their behaviour and conduct.

We are a fully inclusive, caring community who value and celebrate diversity. All children should be valued equally and we strive to eliminate prejudice and discrimination.

All pupils are placed in a tutor group on entry where they have daily access to their form tutor. Here, they can discuss any problems or concerns.

We have a Lead Practitioner for Physical and Mental Health who mentors pupils as well as raising the profile of mental health within the Academy.

All pupils access a PHSE curriculum that reinforces British values and includes issues of disability, difference and valuing diversity.

All staff take the safeguarding of students very seriously and have the required level of safeguarding training as well as a designated team of staff who have more in depth training. There are policies and procedures in place to ensure the safety of all.

The Academy employs a member of staff who is responsible for health care coordination. They are responsible for coordinating the everyday care of children with physical/medical needs including the administering of medications.

What training have the staff supporting my child had?

The SENDCo is a qualified teacher and has completed the National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordination. Regular SENDCo network meetings are attended that provide updates on any developments in SEND and inclusion.

All of our staff receive regular training to ensure that they can provide the very best education, care and support to you child. Within the SEND team individuals have been trained in the following areas:

  • Dyslexia
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Safeguarding
  • ELSA (Emotional Literacy)
  • Attachment and Trauma
  • Speech, Language and Communication
  • Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties
  • Administration of Medicines
  • Epi-Pen Administration
  • Visual impairments
  • Hearing impairments

Additional SEND training is provided for staff through meetings, continuous professional development sessions, INSET days and external training days. All staff have access to professional development opportunities.

Who should I contact for further information about my child?

  • The SENDCo – Mrs S. Holt (Mr M Nicholson (Deputy Headteacher) is Acting SENDCo whilst Mrs Holt is on maternity leave)
  • Assistant SENDCo – Miss L. Brough
  • Your child’s Tutor or Pastoral Year Group Manager
  • Individual subject teachers
  • The Attendance Officer – Ms E Newton
  • Pupil Welfare Manager – Ms G Riley
  • Head of School – Mrs T Burgess

Who can I contact if I have a complaint?

  • If a parent/carer wishes to complain about SEND provision or the SEND policy they should, in the first instance, raise it with the SENDCO, who will try to resolve the situation.
  • If you feel that your complaint has not been resolved, please contact the Headteacher (See Complaints Policy for more information)

Together for Children Local Offer

The aim of this page is to provide comprehensive and up-to-date information on local organisations, services, activities and events relating to children and young people and their parents/carers, as well as professionals working with families.

Please click on the following link to take you to the Local Offer: ferchannel=0

Monitoring and Review

The SEND Information Report will be reviewed annually by the SENDCo. Date Document Reviewed: September 2023