As well as the learning and enrichment resources available through this website, on this page, you will find resources for maintaining your well-being, mental health and mindfulness.
If you know of a resource that you think would be appropriate for us to share on this page please let us know by filling out the form at the bottom of this page. Once submitted and following our review, we may potentially add it to the list!
VB Wellbeing Afternoon 2021
New Directory!
An Ongoing Resource
Click the button below to access a directory of resources and services that we will keep continuously updated.
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Well-being Resources from Youth for Christ!
Youth for Christ:
Wearside Youth for Christ seeks to work in the local secondary schools of Sunderland helping them gain a better understanding of what Christians believe and why and how it affects their lives.
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Please find above YfC’s Well-being videos as a playlist. As with other pages on our website, where YouTube playlists are embedded, use this icon, found in the top-right corner of the player, to access the other videos available. |
This playlist will remain up-to-date and will feature upcoming videos as they are released, please check back regularly! You can also follow Youth for Christ’s YouTube channel.

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Can We Make You Smile?
Fun Resources from the Community!
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Secondary Schools Wellbeing Festival 2021
Click the thumbnail to read the full PDF
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Latest Advice from the NHS
Please follow the below link for the latest helpful resources from the NHS.
Latest Advice from
Please follow the below link for the latest helpful resources from Public Health England via
School Nurse Support
Click the image for more information!
A Message for You!
The Kooth service has been commissioned by Together for Children and Sunderland Clinical Commissioning Group to provide a safe, confidential and non-stigmatised way for young people to receive advice, support and easy access to an online community of peers and a team of experienced counsellors. Staffed by fully trained and qualified counsellors who are available until 10pm each night, 365 days per year, Kooth provides a much needed out of hours’ service, making it a powerful early prevention and treatment resource which young people are keen to use – More than 95% of end of session questionnaires show young people would recommend Kooth to a friend.
Kooth provides young people with instant access to emotional and wellbeing advice incorporating self-help articles and online tools such as a mood tracker, as well as professional online therapy and pre-moderated peer-to-peer forums. On Kooth, young people can learn effective coping strategies to be able to manage day to day life and with no thresholds, Kooth is easily accessible for all young people to use. Links to further information about Kooth and some of their resources can also be found below.
5 Steps to Well-being – Interactive Activities
Kooth COVID19 Response Poster
Forum Topic Calendar
Kooth Signup Info
Click image below to enlarge/downloa
Click image to access/download the full four-page document
Click image to access/download the full-size document.
Elsa Support
‘Elsa Support’ has a part of its website fully dedicated to providing Coronavirus support during these unprecedented times. There are lots of free resources for teaching staff and for parents and carers to help children cope with the current viral outbreak.
‘You’re Not Alone’
‘You’re Not Alone’ is a group set up, in collaboration with Washington Mind, to help develop creative ways for 11-25 year olds to cope with feelings of loneliness. The website has lots of news, blogs, articles and activities aimed at supporting people at times of loneliness.They also currently have an Isolation Workbook (LINK to download booklet) which includes lots of different activities they feel young people can enjoy completing whilst at home. At the moment, the workbook is a digital download that will need printing by the individual. However, they are working towards being able to print and post the workbook directly to those who do not have printing facilities available.
Mindfulness for Pupils
What to do if you’re anxious about coronavirus
Advice and mental health support from
Looking after your mental health while self-isolating
Advice and mental health support from
Mental wellbeing while staying at home
Advice and mental health support from
NOS – Supporting Childres’s Mental Health
Advice and mental health support from
Mindfulness for Parents & Carers
Talking with your child about Coronavirus
Advice and mental health support from
Guidance for talking with children
Advice and mental health support from
How to talk with your child about Coronavirus
Advice and mental health support from Parent/Carer Guidance
Advice and mental health support from
Community Submissions
These resources came directly from you! Thank you for taking an active part in our community!
Your suggestions!
Please fill out the below form if you have a favourite resource for wellness that you would like us to review and potentially share with the community. Please be mindful that these resources will be reviewed by the Senior Leadership and Web teams and thus should be relevant and appropriate to the goal of this page.
(IP and contact details of submissions will be stored for security and administrative purposes)