Visit to the Mayor’s Chambers for VB bully buddies!
On Friday the 16th of March, 8 of our Year 8 ‘Bully Buddies’ (our club for pupils eager to take on training and develop strategies) were invited to visit the Mayor’s Chambers (also known as the Civic Centre) to receive an award. This award recognised the fact that Venerable Bede has proven to be the most effective school in the region at decreasing instances of cyber-bullying!
The event began with a presentation outlining some of the suggested strategies to help to prevent bullying in school followed by the presentation of the award.
The pupils took advantage of this trip as an opportunity to meet with and share ideas with their peers from similar groups organised by other local schools, such as Southmoor Academy, St.Aiden’s Catholic Academy and Thornhill Academy.
For our Year 8 ‘Bully Buddies’; this was a truly remarkable day as they had the chance to meet the mayor herself, Councillor Doris MacKnight. This wonderful opportunity was enjoyed by all who attended, with one pupil commenting, “This has been a very special day, one I will remember for a long time! I was really interested to talk with the other anti-bullying groups along with Mayor MacKnight, swapping ideas for how we can keep moving forward, fighting bullying”.