Delivery of the careers programme in line with our DEEP curriculum and Christian values
Year 7- Discussion
Pupils will be introduced to working with guest speakers to gain the most out of these experiences. Pupils will be encouraged to express their interests and opinions through discussion work. Lessons will cover an overview of what is a career, stereotyping, discrimination and workplace expectations.
Year 8 – Exploration
Pupils will be encouraged to be inquisitive towards all career pathways. Lessons will be implemented to boost awareness of GCSE options and the importance of exploring all avenues. Lessons will cover tips for choosing options, an overview of options subjects that are new to the pupils and labour market information.
Year 9 – Refinement
Pupils have now begun their options and have started to refine their interests to suit themselves. Lessons will be driven towards making pupils more employable, different learning pathways and labour market information.
Year 10 – Implementation
Pupils are now fully embedded into their GCSE courses and focusing on success and implementing learned skills. Lessons will be based around study skills, applying for work experience, CV writing and employment rights and responsibility. Opportunities will be offered to visit further education provisions.
Year 11 – Preparation
Pupils are now gearing towards the end of their GCSE experience and it is important that they start to plan and prepare for life after Venerable Bede Academy. Sessions will be available for pupils to interact with colleges, sixth forms and apprenticeship options.
Our Academy’s Careers Curriculum is planned and delivered in line with the Gatsby Benchmarks.