Our Reading Challenges are a way for you to think a little more deeply about the books you are reading, or just find out more about some of the amazing books that are available for children and young adults. By completing a Reading Challenges you can earn yourself Class Charts points, and sometime there will be additional prizes or rewards available as well. New challenges are added every now and again so do keep an eye on the list here. All completed challenges should be handed in or emailed to Mrs Holmes.
Challenge 1 – | Design an alternative book cover for a book you have read. Year 7s can do one for their BookBuzz books. |
Challenge 2 – | Create a fact file about an author of your choice. Think about where / when they were born, the types of books they write, what they like or dislike, how they became a writer, other jobs they have had in the past |
Challenge 3 – | Draw and / or describe your own book character. If you need a starting point there are some great drawing tutorials by illustrator Rob Biddulph in the Video Gallery |