We have collected here some useful information to help you settle into the day to day routine at Venerable Bede CE Academy…
Late Arrival
If you arrive at school after 8.40 a.m. you must enter via the Main Entrance and report to Reception. You will register and explain the reason for your late arrival. You must then proceed directly to your tutor room or lesson.
We are a Cash-less Academy
Parents will be given login details for ParentMail when children register with the school. Parents can use parent-mail to update pupils’ lunch accounts and communicate with school.
You may charge up your account in the following ways:
- Use the machine on the ground floor or first floor of the school (these are machines which take cash – smallest coin 10p – notes must be smooth and flat – not crumpled)
- Pay in a cheque (cheques, made payable to Northern Lights Learning Trust, must have your name on the back and be put in an envelope marked with your name and tutor group and be handed to the Main Office)
- Parentmail
N.B. If you are entitled to a Free School Meal then your account will be credited with £2.58 per day for your lunch without you needing to do anything – but if you want to spend more than that, then you will have to put extra money in your account.
Lunch Time
You will go to lunch early for the first week and will be directed by your teachers.
This arrangement will allow you to go outside in your designated area to get fresh air for part of your lunch break.
Packed lunches and sandwiches
If you bring a packed lunch or wish to purchase sandwiches you will still go to the Bistro.
Food should not be eaten in any other part of the building or site.
Drinks and Water Coolers
Water coolers are positioned on each floor of the school and you may fill your water bottle at the same times identified for accessing your locker.
No drinks are allowed around the building other than water.
If you bring a drink for your lunch you may only drink it in the Bistro.
You can buy a water bottle from the School Office for £1.00
Litter and Chewing Gum
You must be responsible for the proper disposal of your litter on the site. We all want to have a nice school to work in and we must all be careful with our litter.
You will find bins all-round school and outside. PLEASE USE THEM!!!!
This applies to adults as well as children.
You will be issued with your own locker key at your first tutor session in September. The lockers are all around the building in corridors and you will be told where to find yours by your tutor.
You must not visit your locker between lessons and therefore you must take all of your equipment for Period 1 before registration, Periods 2 and 3 at break time and Periods 4 and 5 at lunchtime.
You must not graffiti the locker or personalise it in any way e.g. putting pictures or posters on the door.
You must keep the locker in good condition as you will be handing it on to another pupil when you leave.
If you lose your key you will need to pay £5 for a replacement.
Mobile Phones
Mobile phones should be placed in your locker at the start of the school day, retrieved at the end of the school day and not used until off the premeses.
At All Times
You should only carry around with you the following:
- Stationery equipment
- The correct books/folders/files for your lessons
- Personal reading book