Closing Date: 5 Mar 2023 (Vacancy Closed)
Salary: £9.50 per hour
Job Title: Exam Invigilator (hours, as and when required during exam seasons)
Purpose of Job:
• Under the supervision of the Examinations Officer, working positively within the school’s academic and pastoral systems by providing supervision for examinations and providing administrative and practical support for the conduct of examinations.
Principle Responsibilities
- Being fully conversant with the rules and regulations necessary for the proper conduct of examinations
- Ensuring that the room and materials are set out in a manner to comply with the above
- Collecting materials and other resources needed for examinations both before and afterexaminations
- Ensuring that the pupils admitted are fully conversant and compliant with the rules and regulations for the conduct of examinations
- Informing the Senior Exam Invigilator of any breaches of school discipline during the examination
- Giving full attention to the proper conduct of the examination i.e. not performing any additional task in the examination room.
- Being aware of the arrangements for contacting a subject teacher in relation to problems which may require their professional judgement.
- To act as a Reader and/or Scribe for a pupil during an exam Main Duties
- Under the supervision of the Examinations Officer assisting with the collection of exam boxes and the return of the exam packages
- Assisting with the admittance of pupils to the examination room
- Assisting with the completion of the invigilation and attendance register including pupils whomay be in other rooms
- Notifying any changes or absences to the Senior Exam Invigilator
- Ensuring that pupils are seated according to the seating plan
- Under the direction of the Senior Exam Invigilator, despatching scripts to the pupils
- Ensuring that the exam starts promptly and pupils are aware of the time allotted
- Supervising pupils in allocated rows/groups
- Ensuring that pupil’s requests are dealt with appropriately
- Collecting in all work at the end of the examination and ensuring its proper return to the appropriate office
- Ensuring that no examination papers are removed from the examination room
- Under the direction of the Senior Exam Invigilator, ensuring that scripts are in candidate number order
- Assisting with the dismissal of pupils from the examination room
- If required Read and/or Scribe for a pupil during an exam
Emailed applications to
Multiple posts available, closing date for application provided on enquiry.
Job Description & Person Specification
This vacancy is now closed.