Reporting and Communication

Research has proven that effective communication and partnership between parents and school is a critical component in successful education. Through year 7, and into upper school, we aim to maintain smooth lines of communication.

Administration such as newsletters, events, and school updates are all communicated through Parent Mail. Parents can also make payments to a child’s lunch account, school trips, and peripatetic music lessons among other things.  Each parent will receive login details for parent mail upon registration of their child.
Daily communication from teaching staff takes place through Class Charts. Each pupil and each parent will be given separate accounts. Class Charts enables a parent to receive updates on achievement points and behaviour points in real-time. Homework is set through Class Charts and parents can track and monitor their child’s completion of homework as well as attendance and punctuality to school.

The Pastoral Year Group Manager and Form Tutor are parents’ main lines of communication with the school. Parents can telephone them with any queries or concerns.

We realise that Year 7 is a crucial step towards a successful secondary education. With this in mind, there are two opportunities in Year 7 to allow parents to meet with staff and discuss concerns: 

In early October we host our “Year 7 Settling in Evening” this is an evening with the student’s Form Tutor. Students and parents are invited into school to discuss how transition has gone, to raise any concerns and have a face to face with tutors or the Pastoral Year Group Manager.

Year 7 students sit internal examinations in June and this is followed by a parent’s evening in July, where parents can meet subject teachers and students prepare to move into Year 8.