We pride ourselves on being an inclusive school and work closely with the Local Authority to ensure that all our students, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school. The move from primary school to secondary school is a daunting prospect for any family and this can be compounded further when a child has specific needs.
Our pastoral team and SEND department work closely with feeder primary schools to ensure that key information is shared and appropriate provision is in place to allow students to settle into school quickly. The process of speaking with Year 6 teachers via online meetings is now well underway and key information has already been shared in school.
All teachers and classroom-based support staff in our school are teachers of children with Special Educational Needs and have a responsibility to meet those needs. Our teaching staff receive regular In-Service training to keep them abreast of developments in SEND education.
For more information on SEND at Venerable Bede Church of England Academy: Please follow the links below.
SEND Offer
SEND Policies and Report (Link opens Statutory Policies page)